Map of Pakefield

Use this handy Map of Pakefield in Suffolk to find the Village of Pakefield & Directions to find places & things in Pakefield

Below you will find a handy Google Map of the village of Pakefield in Lowestoft in Suffolk, UK. This can be used to initially find Pakefield, then you can also enter your own address or the address which you are based in order to receive directions of how to arrive in Pakefield by road.

You can move this map of Pakefield up or down by clicking on the arrow buttons on the top left and you can also zoom in and out on this map of Pakefield by using the plus and minus buttons on the top left also. You may also wish to change the terrain of the map from its default map setting to satellite or hybrid mode, which can be done by clicking on the relevant buttons on the top right of this map of Pakefield in Suffolk.

Map of the Village of Pakefield in Lowestoft in Suffolk, UK